The Future of Auto Insurance
In today’s day and age it seems like everyone is constantly on the move. Life is moving at a much faster pace so people are demanding more ways for things to be done quicker and more conveniently. To solve that problem, technology is rapidly…

Can a delayed diagnosis that results in death be grounds for a wrongful death?
Every year thousands of people are misdiagnosed for a medical condition, or not diagnosed at all. For those who are affected by this, they might not have any real long lasting effects. However, others may be seriously harmed because…

Signs That You Have a Viable Car Accident Injury Case
You occasionally hear about frivolous lawsuits and other legal matters that cause you to roll your eyes. While some people might be too hungry for a lawsuit, there are times when taking your matter to court is the right decision. This can often…

When to File a Car Accident Claim
If you were injured in a car accident and you plan to seek compensation from the at-fault party, you need to get moving on it as soon as possible. While there is some wiggle room, there are time limits involved in getting compensated, so it’s…

5 Crucial Steps to Take After Your Car Accident (if you want to get paid what you are owed)
Holy S#*T you got into an auto accident!
You just ruined your day and you need to know what to do. FAST…So it doesn’t get any worse.
Whether it is your first time being hit by someone or the tenth time you’ve been in an accident,…

Self Driving Uber Runs Over Pedestrian...Uber Bad!
Hot off the press...Uber is in trouble.
I just learned of a huge catastrophe that killed a pedestrian in Tempe, Arizona. A self-driving Uber car being tested in Arizona ran over this poor person.
The horror!
How ridiculous is it…

A rare apology from a hospital that caused cerebral palsy
It is not often you get an apology.
It is even less often you get an apology from the hospital that caused you harm.
So, I was surprised to read a headline that said: "Hospital apologizes for a second time over birth of girl with…

Most Medical Malpractice Victims Lose Before They Win
It is an open secret among Louisiana medical malpractice lawyers that all of us lose for our clients before we win.
But what does that mean?
Well, it means that no matter how good you might be, how great a case you might have, how clear…

Is your doctor at fault if your child has cerebral palsy?
If your child was recently diagnosed with cerebral palsy, I know there are many thoughts swirling around in your mind.
Emotionally, you are going from sadness to anger, to fear to anxiety, to happiness when you see your beautiful…

My baby has Cerebral Palsy - Do I have a legal case?
Your child was injured at birth and now the doctors have diagnosed him with cerebral palsy. You are fearful for what your baby's life is going to look like. A year or two ago, you had spent nine months waiting for him to be delivered.

How your medical records hurt you...
I think the hardest thing about helping medical malpractice victims is the challenge of fighting what is a one-sided narrative: your medical records.
As a doctor friend recently put it to me - those records are like the bible.…

How My Brother's Death Motivated Me To Start My Own Law Firm
The year was 2005, two months before Hurricane Katrina wreaked havoc on thousands of lives.
I am staring at my dead brother. He is housed in a clear, glass box, plugged into the wall, so his body would stay preserved long enough for us to…

Why should I get my medical records?...You're my lawyer, do your job!
I am your attorney and I promise, I am doing my job :).
Sometimes, us attorneys get the short end of the stick. The world doesn’t think too kindly of us - until they need an attorney (which we all do at some point in our life).
I was…

A Little Known Secret for Saving Your Injury Settlement from the IRS (Especially for you Turbo Tax users)
Since it is that time of year again that all Americans love (paying Uncle Sam), it is essential to know the ins and outs of what you owe to the taxman on your injury settlement check.
Likely, it is the most money you have seen at one time…

Why filing your Louisiana Medical Malpractice Claim is not like Selling Your Home
How many times have you thought to yourself why am I paying a lawyer all that money?
It kind of reminds me of how I think about real estate agents. Maybe you think like this too...
I mean...I'm usually home anyway when she does a showing…

Wasted Time Could Cost You Your Claim
Eeeeeeeeeeeeek its too late…
You finally decided to have that surgery you had been putting off to correct your lower back pain.
You go in for surgery and come out feeling better than ever. A few weeks pass and you have reduced your pain…

To Settle or Not To Settle? That is the question, ya'll!
Often times I am asked if a client should accept a settlement offer from the insurance company or go to trial.
My answer is usually the same…”it depends on your situation.”
But the truth is most of the time settlements are a good thing…in…
Need a New Orleans Car Accident Lawyer?
Click the button below to talk to a New Orleans Car Accident Lawyer Now. If you don’t act now, you may lose your right to get paid. And that would suck!
Personal Injury Lawyer New Orleans, LA
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- Workers’ Compensation Lawyer New Orleans, LA
- Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Gretna, LA
- Car Accident Lawyer Bywater, LA
- Car Accident Lawyer Gretna, LA
- Brain Injury Lawyer New Orleans, LA
Reddy Accident Law
3014 Dauphine Street, Suite Z, New Orleans, LA 70117
Mailing Address:
5500 Prytania Street #512, New Orleans, LA 70115